Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gouton Rouge - 2011 Rogues EP

Band : Gouton Rouge
Album : Rogues EP
Release Year : 2011
Genre : Post-Hardcore | Post-Rock | Shoegaze

Tracklist :
01. Si La Chasse D'Eau Ne Marche Pas (Essayez Hardcore)
02. Rosso
03. Berenice

The Gouton Rouge, the name was born from a typo, is a power trio with a clear inclination verdeniana Lombard with a real passion for the power of mig muff. Rogue is their debut EP and the clutch daunlò found here. Only three tracks, each of which fully shows that force young, impetuous, instinctive that leads to rather convincing to lend their ears. The first track, "La Chasse d'Eau is Ne Pas Marche (Essayez Hardcore)" opening drift of post-rock pushes up the growth of the track that leads inexorably to follow the tracks of "The Foam" (the song Similar stories of the first demo), you expect to hear that almost scream "lesbian roses" rather than "is pure freedom." "Red", adrenaline and energetic at the right point by Albert sang much like Ferrari's first album, and now far away, it allows repeated listening ranks as the most successful of the three tracks. The last track is called "Berenice," in honor of the famous story by Edgar Allan Poe, a slow ballad and then distorted, much like that '"Onan" of "Only a Big Stone" From what I heard was probably Gouton the Rogue does not shine with originality but does not appear, however, dismiss the case in two lines come close to the many bands influenced willy-nilly by a group as the trio entered Bergamo who now logically stylistic and conceptual imagination of many young emerging Italian band. More than anything, to be raised is the energy of young people (the three, Eugene Nice, Darius Holland and Francis Rome, began playing together just two years ago at the age of 16 years) when the music comes from the stomach and from the mind, giving birth often works to the detriment of carnal and instinctive refinement and various kinds of bullshit, when what is most important is to play simply having something to say. Why after all this EP, while not appearing fresh and contemporary, is a work that leaves the first sincere and impetuous welcome it into place, also on several occasions, our reader. The potentials are all, lacking only a more artistic growth and departure from sound inflated, in favor of a distinctive style and characteristic that I wish to Gouton Rogue to find as soon as possible.

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