Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lizards Have Personalities - 2010 In All Honesty

Band : Lizards Have Personalities
Album : In All Honesty
Release Year : 2010
Genre : Screamo / Hardcore / Post-Rock

Tracklist : 
01 Like Lifetime Movies
02 The Heart's Descent
03 The Plight of Eurydice
04 We'll Always Have Paris
05 So Beautiful In May
06 In All Honesty

this band might be ten years too late, or it might have come at the perfect time to bring both nostalgia and a breath of fresh air at the same time to screamo. with a sound situated somewhere between Saetia and I Hate Myself and other screamo dinosaurs, it’s somewhat strange to have your first release in 2010. but it might just be the perfect time for this band to emerge. soft guitars twinkle and sparkle into raw and dissonant almost metal riffs. the vocals and lyrics are do not to escape their ’90s/early ’00s screamo influences. instead they hug them tight. and just like Saetia, Lizards Have Personalities operate on the very verge of bringing the lulz – yet somehow manage to just avoid it. if only barely. this in itself is quite the amazing feat though. dealing with these kind of lyrics and vocals you have to make sure to not go over the top, but how do you do that when it’s already so ludicrously over the top? I don’t know. but I’m glad that Lizards Have Personalities can scream «while staring at the ceiling, I was overwhelmed by the feeling – I am certain that I am alone» with a straight face, without me rofling. I am very much pleased that the deeply personal and semi-poetic lyrics maintain a notion of believability. because this is indeed awesome music. comparable to the beforehand mentioned dinosaurs and perhaps slightly to I Would Set Myself on Fire for You. it’s dynamic and ambitious screamo.

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